It may have taken 30 years or so, but a family treasure has returned. I happened to save some family photos that were found in a dump area of Templeton in the 1980s, in hopes to discover who the individuals me be. With my rediscovered interest in history and through a lot of internet communications possible today, I thought I would place on Facebook. This provided the ability to display items to several individuals at once, instead of the old-fashion door to door visits. Thus came forth a family treasure for Kelly Marshall. He had seen a copy of one of the photos that I had from his family photos. But here were the originals and several other poses for 1897 photos. So I was glad to give them a permanent home to a place were they belong, with family.
Taken in August 1897 at Home – Great-grandfather of Kelly Marshall is Lee Philo Williams. The family lived in Madison Township near Kellersburg, PA for several generations.
Good job Pete
These pictures are fantastic…
What a nice surprise to find a picture of my distant relatives when I joined the site! An internet search helped me connect. I am hoping to find others who are related to George Augustus Williams 1835-1889 and Margarett Ann McClain 1842-1915. I have family pictures that I would like to share.
For some reason I just saw your post. I’m more use to just submitting info than retrieving. I was fortunate to spend some time with Kelly Marshall before he passed. He and I were able to visit the area where this photo was taken. I’m not sure who is following up on family research, bit I have some info I can share and additional pictures.
I was born in armstrong county. I have many momories. I may share them. Glenn A. Clepper bettglenn@ao