by Jan Wolf Dowd

Augustus Edward Weilmann/Weilman/Weylman circa 1873
– Jan Wolf Dowd photoAugustus Edward Weilmann was born on July 10, 1835, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Christina and Ferdinand. His father Ferdinand Friedrich Weilmann was born on March 13, 1797, in Baden-Württemberg, Germany and his mother, Christina Carolina Wegmannwas born in 1809 in Germany. Ferdinard and Carolina were married on June 30, 1828, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. In 1832, Ferdinard and Carolina along with their 3-year-old daughter, Caroline left Germany from Amsterdam, Netherlands on the ship, Isabella. On August 23, 1832, they arrived and settled in Philadelphia, PA. Augustus grew up in Philadelphia.
It is not known when he moved to Kittanning, PA. On Mar 8, 1860, he married Mary Brown Crawford who was from Kittanning. On September 16, 1862, he enlisted in the Union Army as a private in Kittanning but was discharged 11 days later on September 27, 1862. No reason was given for his discharge. By 1862, Augustus and Mary had 2 very young sons – Harry Hartley born on December 17, 1860 and Edwin Augustus born on June 29, 1862. Between 1864 and 1877, Augustus and Mary had 8 more children – 5 girls and 3 boys. On September 5, 1877, Mary gave birth to fraternal twins. Both mother and their daughter died the same day. Both are buried together in the Kittanning Cemetery.

Mary Brown Crawford Weilmann
DOB 11 Apr 1841 – DOD 5 Sep 1877 – Jan Wolf Dowd photo
Their son, Charles Richard Weylman survived and later became my grandfather, when his youngest daughter and my mother, Jane Myrtle Weylman was born on May 21, 1920 in Kittanning, PA. In 1882 (perhaps on June 8), Augustus married Elizabeth Anne Keppel and had two additional daughters. Their first daughter, Elizabeth was born during May 1883. Their second daughter was born on October 5, 1888 and only lived 2 months dying on December 4, 1888.

Elizabeth Anne Keppel Weilmann
DOB 1 Nov 1852 – DOD 24 Oct 1937 – Jan Wolf Dowd photo
According to various records, throughout his life, Augustus worked as a plasterer, oil producer, bookseller and superintendent of the Limestone Gas Company for several years. Towards the end of his life, he was connected with Elk Brewing Company. Although I was told, he was President of the brewery, no documents have been found to confirm whether this is correct or not. Elk Brewing Company is not mentioned in his obituary. However, at least 2 of his sons were connected with Elk Brewing Company. In The Brewers Handbook for 1918, Harry Hartley (or H. H.) Weylman is listed as the President and manager of Elk Brewing Company. According to the Kittanning Directory 1914-1915, Charles Richard Weylman is listed as a clerk for the Elk Brewing Company. Based on my mother, her father worked as a shipping clerk for the brewery. According to an Elk Brewing Company photo in my family, Charles also worked at the brewery as Secretary and Traffic Manager of Elk Brewing Company. H.H was Augustus oldest son while Charles was his youngest son.

Elk Brewing Co. Located on Oak Ave. in Kittanning, Pennsylvania
– Jan Wolf Dowd photo
Weilman & Furnee Oct 27, 1892. An Establish Stationary Business in Kittanning, Pennsylvania
– Jan Wolf Dowd photoAugustus died on October 9, 1898, in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, at the age of 63, and is buried in the Kittanning Cemetery. According to his obituary, he was a member of the Kittanning Presbyterian Church, a member of Kittanning Lodge, No. 244, F. & A. M. and a Knight Templar. “He had made preparations to spend the week in Pittsburg attending the Knights Templar Conclave when death overtook him.” His obituary further stated that “Mr. Weilman has been a prominent figure in Kittanning for years and commanded the respect of all acquaintances for his sterling qualities and his straight forward outspoken business methods. He was gentleman of the old school. He always took an active part in all public matters and you always knew his position on such matters. He spoke to the point, no deceit or intrigue lurked in his motives and he despised such methods in his fellow man. Up until his demise, he took active part in various business enterprises and by hard work, close attention to his business and economy had amassed considerable wealth. He raised a family that was a credit to himself and the community, and he possessed those commendable traits that go to make a good citizen. With the death of Mr. Weylman, the community loses a citizen that will be missed and whose place will be hard to fill.”

Elk Brewing Company Employees taking a break, circa 1910 - Charles Richard Weylman is sitting with the cap on.
– Jan Wolf Dowd photoA current building in Kittanning that is connected to the Weylman family is the business of John F. Graff Insurance building on Market St. H.H. Weylman, son of Augustus Weilmann had the beautiful detailed building rebuilt after the 1928 fire. He was a jeweler and optometrist. Most local people will recall the building as Adam’s Jewelry, who had been in business several decades.

Prepared by Jan Wolf Dowd on July 15, 2021, Updated October 31, 2022 – Great-granddaughter of Augustus Edward Weylman. The obituary quoted in the text above was found among my mother’s documents. It is unknown where the obituary was published.
Links – FindaGrave Augustus Edward Weilmann