For those that registered with our demo site, you have seen the pictures of my collection of Wick China.

I figured that I would prepare a new article with further details and more individual pictures of my collection. Recently, I acquired my 57th piece of china. It is always exciting for me to stumble upon another treasure from the Wick China Company. Even now, I am working on another sugar bowl, though I already have four!
Just briefly, the Wick China Company was founded by John Wick, who also was the founder of Wickboro. The china company was located on was most recently the site of the Bauer Block Company on North Water Street. He established the china company in 1889 and continued to grow until 1914, when a horrific storm destroyed the plant, along with other industry along the river. W. G. George of East Palestine, Ohio purchased the business and operated in the facility until around 1935.

My prize possession is my childrens tea set, which depicts pink and gold cherubs. I aquired this set from a lady that collected childrens tea sets and wrote childrens story of Victorian times. Two other unique pieces of china I recently was able to add to my collection were two celery plates with fish art as the theme. These fish in my opinion appear to be those seen in the Allegheny River and surrounding streams, as opposed to mystical fish or those seen from the ocean.

My goal is to compile a listing of those that worked at the plant, or at least a partial listing, as well as try to learn more about products used in the manufacture of the china. I also plan to share the known marks that were used by the company during its production.
Shown here from the collection of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, is a layout of the Wick China company from 1908.
Material gathered from:
History of Armstrong County Pa, Her People, Past and Present, J. H. Beers & Co., 1914
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1908
pictures from collection of Christopher Anthony