It appears to be a busy day in downtown Kittanning. Vehicles are lining Market Street, and people are out and about on every corner. Friends are standing about visiting and catching up on the days activities. My initial thought was that the photo was taken during the winter or early spring, after the snow had disappeared, since most people are wearing jackets or heavy coats. That conclusion was furthered since the cars all appear to be extremely dirty, just like many are right now, due to all the leftover winter road grime.
My findings were confirmed by discovering the movie “Experiment Perilous” was playing at the Lyceum Theater. Staring Hedy Lamarr and George Brent, the movie was released in the US on December 18, 1944. The storyline follows as such…
In 1903, Dr. Bailey meets a very strange woman on a train, then hears that she has died under mysterious circumstances. Through a friend, he becomes acquainted with the Bederaux family, all of whom seem to be neurotic and secretive; but the beauty of Alida Bederaux draws him into their circle…deeper than he’d planned. Who’s in danger from whom? Who’s crazy? Who can fathom the obscure motivations? Written by Rod Crawford <puffinus@u.washington.edu>
Enjoy looking at all the great signage this photo has to offer, including Clarks Grill, the beautiful marque of the Lyceum Theater, Rexall Drugs and Hagan Ice Cream are just a few…
Picture from the collection of Christopher Anthony which came from Judy(Adams) Cogley Cassesse
information from movie taken from www.imdb.com